The project tested an innovative approach to environmental remediation by using cultivated aquatic microalgae to extract heavy metals from soil. Unlike conventional methods that depend on chemical treatments or physical extraction, this technique is significantly more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. 

The tested samples were collected from a former metalworking factory in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project demonstrated that microalgae could reduce heavy metals soil contamination by 20% to 48%. While tested biological solutions showed potential for removing heavy metal contamination, combining them with traditional extraction methods, such as chemical pre-treatment, appears necessary for achieving optimal results. These preliminary findings provide a foundation for further research and potential future complex decontamination processes. 

BELABELA TECHNOLOGYBioX TechnologiesDODO SolutionsMicroPollNice VisionsPowereXPRO4CE
29 January 2025

Slovak Challenge Fund pioneered solutions for global challenges also in 2024

In 2024, the Slovak Challenge Fund continued to showcase Slovakia’s potential to drive global innovations. Seven innovative projects were successfully implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Serbia.  The Slovak…