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Support for your
innovative idea

Slovak Challenge Fund (SCF) is an opportunity for Slovak companies to receive support for their innovative ideas and spread them abroad.

Slovak Challenge Fund

SCF follows the global trend that emphasizes the need to engage all possible financial resources, public and private, local and international, to increase the impact of development activities.

SCF, launched in 2019, is financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic (MFEA SR) and implemented by UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub.

SCF is looking for solutions of Slovak companies to address the following specific development goals: natural resources and nature-based solutions, energy transition, innovations in agriculture, implementation or improvement of e-governance, and resilience of societies within the context of current crises to ensure well-being and safety of citizens. 

SCF supports exclusively Slovak companies, however only in partnership with local entities in the receiving country to ensure sustainability in local conditions and potential scaling of the solutions.

Sensitive water monitoring with PickMol
Saftra Photonics

PickMol is a small sensing chip which detects organic contamination in water faster, cheaply and directly on the spot. The technology is portable, easy-to-use, and green. Thanks to significant cost reduction, it allows local partners to carry out water monitoring following EU standards.

Projects supported by SCF

Innovations supported by the SCF have to be aligned with selected SDGs. See particular goals and numbers of projects associated with them.

Trusted by innovators

How it works

Calls are always published at UNDP Procurement Notices website. The SCF team uses additional channels, including this webpage or page, to inform about a new call. SCF Calls are usually open once a year. All details regarding a specific call are available in the Call for Proposals.

Once a call is open, applicants submit their proposals as per Terms of Reference and SCF guidelines. Application and budget form templates are available as attachments in the Public Procurement Notice. Applicants have to submit their applications on the prescribed templates only.

Given that, de iure, SCF selection is based on procurement process, the application deadline is binding. After the deadline, applications or changes made to applications submitted before the deadline shall not be accepted.

After the application deadline, submitted applications are reviewed for approval or otherwise. Successful projects are then announced.

Successful applicants can receive support of up to USD 40,000 for their project.

Other challenge funds in the region


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